10 Things to Do to Survive an Earthquake in 2022
Darya LukyanchukShare
When we hear the word 'earthquake,' what runs through our minds is an image of a place devastated. Today we are going to learn about the ways to Survive an Earthquake suppose one happens today.
Fear sets in when we think of ourselves being caught in one, injured or worse, losing someone very close to us due to it. Earthquakes' strength and intensity can be classified according to their magnitude on the Richter scale, which ranges from 1-10. The higher the number, the stronger the quake.
Earthquakes are natural disasters that can happen without warning in any country. The world is not immune to this phenomenon, and they have been recorded for centuries. They occur most often at the boundaries of tectonic plates on land or underwater.
Earthquakes are measured by magnitude, reflecting their power, how far people can feel them from the epicenter and how much it affects buildings near ground zero. There are ten things you need to do to survive an earthquake, but first, let's take a few things about serving an earthquake.
What causes Earthquake?
The causes of the Earthquake are a result of the myriad natural and man-made activities on Earth. Earthquakes can be triggered by volcanic eruptions, landslides, or deep water ocean earthquakes such as tsunamis.
In most cases, it is a rupture along a geological fault line when tectonic plates move past each other in opposite directions. The other cause of an earthquake may be a result of human oil drilling.
What are the early signs of an earthquake?
Science cannot tell us when a specific earthquake will occur, which is why geologists are working tirelessly to find out what happens just before the event. Some signs of an earthquake occur in advance (days, weeks, or seconds before), whereas sometimes the signs don't occur at all. The vibrations can range from light-intensity tremors that people may overlook if they aren't paying close attention to heavy intensity quakes like those in Nepal in April 2015, which measured about magnitude eight on the Richter scale.
The consequences depend on how powerful the quake is. It will cause buildings and bridges to collapse, leading to the destruction of infrastructure systems such as electricity lines and water pipes. For those who live in semi-dormant zones where occasional minor tremors have occurred through history, there might not be any warning signs before the Earth begins to shake violently beneath their feet.
The USGS provides official reports for North America, while The New Zealand GeoNet does so for Australasia. If you experience the following signs, then.
Earthquake occurs randomly, but there are a few signs of their occurrence, such as the following:
1. Watch out for "earthquake lights'Reportslights'Reports
One phenomenon that occurs before a large earthquake is the mystery of "earthquake lights." Though they are known to be emitted from rocks under extreme stress, these bright flashes of light, called earthquake lights, are not fully understood. Although earthquake lights have not been seen before all earthquakes and cannot be timed consistently, you should get an emergency preparedness Plan from the Survival box to ensure you are ready for any emergency. Earthquake lights are often described as small, blue flames coming up from the ground that float in the air or rushes of lightning shooting up.
2. Take a Keen Interest in unusual changes in animal behavior.
Animals react to impending disasters before humans can, and they can do so because of their heightened sense of the environment. Take note if you see any drastic behavioral changes among your pets or wild animals near you, including excessive barking, cowering, hiding under furniture, etc. Researchers in Serbia have found that animals seem to know when an earthquake is about to happen.
It is not understood why animals may sense an oncoming event, possibly because of changes in the electric field or responding to the P-wave, but noticing strange behavior in your pet may give you a heads up that something is about to happen.
3. Notice foreshocks (Less intense earthquakes that precede a larger one).
Be on the lookout for foreshocks. Some foreshocks are smaller and less intense, but foreshocks can be strong enough to cause damage. Foreshock activity is a good indicator that the "big one" could follow, so it's best not to ignore your intuition if you feel something strange or have an ominous feeling about what might come next. Earthquake foreshocks are more minor earthquakes that might precede a larger one.
It is impossible to predict how long an earthquake will last or its magnitude; when you feel the ground begin to roll, take the appropriate actions (depending on where you are) to protect yourself from falling debris.
4. Rumbling sounds or roaring noise
Rumbling sounds or a roaring noise may serve as an earthquake sign or warning. Therefore if one experiences or notices a weird rumbling sound, there may soon happen an Earthquake. There are no proven signs or warnings of incoming Earthquakes, but some occurrences may lead to people believing an Earthquake is just around the corner.
How to survive an earthquake?
Even if left with injuries, there are proven ways to survive an earthquake and avoid injuries. Listed below are the top ten things you can do to survive an earthquake.
1. Practice drop, cover, and hold Technique
Find a spot in your house that is lower than ground level and make sure it's away from windows, heavy furniture, and other items on the floor which could fall over or be pulled by vibrations during an earthquake. In case of an earthquake, occurrence learns to apply the drop, cover, and hold formulae on with each member of your household or family. Make you drop to the lowest level of your location, preferred the ground, and try to reach your emergency kit. Try to cover your head and neck in the event of falling debris while avoiding looking at anything that can catch fire. Some people recommend using a pillow or blanket to protect from flying objects if you are indoors.
The appropriate time for how long one should Practice drop cover and hold on varies depending on how strong of a shake they experience; if it feels like three seconds--then drop everything (cover) as well as anything that could fly off shelves such as bookshelves or kitchen cupboards (hold). If you're in a car, pull over quickly and stop but be sure to stay inside the vehicle until it's safe. If there is an earthquake warning or you feel an earthquake coming before the shaking starts, park away from buildings, trees, utility poles, etc., which may fall onto your car during any quake.
2. Avoid running to the doorways for protection
Make sure to stay away from any windows and exterior walls as these areas may be more vulnerable to secondary damage. During an earthquake, find a table or desk. Hold on to it until the shaking stops. Do not go outside until you are told it is safe to do so. Do not rely on doorways for protection as these may become blocked or collapse during an earthquake. Don't use elevators; instead, take the stairs to a lower floor if possible and get out of any building that might be at risk of collapsing. Knowing when shaking has stopped can be challenging, so listen carefully for sirens and other alarms telling you it's time to return home (or evacuate).
3. Be Safe Around Electrical Wiring/Equipment
Suppose you are close to electrical equipment or wiring when an earthquake strikes, electrocution risks. If possible, move away from equipment and stay clear until power has been restored. If you feel that your life is in danger due to electrical equipment or wiring, do not hesitate to cut the power using a blunt instrument such as a knife or hatchet, but be aware of the risk that such equipment may start up again after cutting.
4. Stay Away from Glass
In an earthquake, glass windows and doors can shatter or fall out of place, and glass shards can cause serious injury as they are often projected in all directions. Also, do not stand by heavy furniture and use the elevator since the power may go out during an earthquake. A safe place to go would be a space away from glass, such as the inside of a stairwell or the outside of your apartment balcony. While you may not predict this, it is better to always stay away from the glass in an earthquake.
5. Get Out of the way of Falling Objects/Debris
Suppose you are indoors if there are no windows or walls near you. If you are out in the open when an earthquake strikes, run for a safer place away from trees and buildings that may collapse during the Earthquake. If you are indoors, if it is nowhere safe near you, then get under something sturdy or hold onto sturdy furniture and wait until shaking stops. If you are out in the open, run for a safer place away from trees and buildings that may collapse during the Earthquake. One of the most important things to do during an earthquake is to get somewhere safe fast! It would help if you then waited until it stops and is over before trying to move about.
6. Stockpile Food and Water
In an earthquake, you would need supplies to last for a couple of days, so it is essential to stock up on non-perishable foods and water beforehand. Food w may assist in getting out of rubble or dealing with injuries. Tools that could be used include rope, which will be required for energy purposes, so it is essential to have a stockpile of foods that don't need much cooking. Sugary and fatty foods will be of little use, so make sure you have some grains like pasta or rice. Having a stash of water is also vital as it will likely be cut off during the event; having enough for three days should suffice. Assemble this well in advance because there may be no food left if you go out to buy everything at once.
7. Don't use elevators or escalators inside buildings
It'sIt's not advisable to use elevators during an earthquake because they may not withstand the vibration caused by earthquakes, and don't try opening any doors until checking for safety first. Elevators or escalators are dangerous places to be when an earthquake strikes. Don't rely on them for protection; instead, take the stairs to a lower floor if possible and get out of any building that might be at risk of collapsing. Knowing when shaking has stopped can be challenging, so listen carefully for sirens and other alarms telling you it's time to return home (or evacuate). This is especially important in tall buildings where stairwells may become jammed with people trying to escape during an earthquake.
8. Have an emergency survival kit. Ready!
An Emergency Survival Kit is a must-have for every household to stay prepared for any emergency. Emergency survival kits are necessary because the first 48 hours after an earthquake will be hectic and very chaotic as you scramble to find your loved ones, get medical treatment if needed, or find shelter. At Survival Box, we ensure essential kits and suppliers are included in our emergency preparedness box, making surviving an Earthquake smooth, easy, and hassle-free. Since many disasters can strike overnight and unexpectedly, it's a good idea to ensure that your Emergency kit is always ready for when you need it the most.
9. Resist the impulse to be a hero and try to outrun the Earthquake
When an Earthquake occurs, don't try to outrun it, It can't be done, and you need to stay calm and keep a level head.
The greatest threat to your life in an earthquake is the building you're in collapsing. If it collapses, no amount of running will save you.
If you are inside when an Earthquake strikes, get under a table or other piece of furniture that can support your weight and then hang on for dear life as the Earth moves beneath you.
You cannot survive being thrown about inside a collapsed building.
The only thing between you and death will be whatever supports your body while the ground shakes apart around you!
That's why it's so important to stay low and take cover under solid pieces of furniture like a sturdy desk, bench, or table during an earthquake.
Would you please not use anything flimsy like cardboard boxes or folding chairs as they won't be able to support
10. Do not seek refuge inside a building. Stay outside
If an earthquake happens while you are out, try to avoid running into buildings seeking shelter, you may be trapped.
If you are inside a building and an Earthquake occurs, remain calm and get under a table or desk to protect yourself from falling objects.
Try and move outside if possible; stay away from buildings, bridges, and power lines.
Move towards the left side of the building for those facing North as this is typically considered safer than other sides during an earthquake.
If in a car, try to park away from trees, buildings, overpasses, or anything that might collapse due to the Earthquake's vibrations.
Leave your car immediately once it stops shaking; avoid driving through electrical wires or fire hydrants(the ground movement may have displaced them).
Conclusion on How To Survive an Earthquake
The best way to survive an earthquake is by being aware of your surroundings.Â
You must find a safe spot quickly, so know where the safest places in your house are and what items can be used as makeshift weapons if necessary.
If you don't stay calm during the quake, things will be much worse than they already are!
Knowing how to react when there's shaking going on around you could save lives. Be sure to read up on this natural disaster before it strikes again and take all precautions possible for earthquakes near or far from home.
There's never been a better time to prepare with our Survive an Earthquake Survival Box Kit – Subscribe to our monthly boxes and stay Prepared for any disaster that may arise.
If you have any questions about how to Survive an Earthquake, feel free to reach out.