Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions from our clients. If your question does not appear in this section, do not hesitate to write to our customer service.

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Can I cancel at any time?

No problem. You can cancel your monthly subscription at any time. We have no contracts, and you can end or change the subscriptions at any time by logging into your account, and pause, cancel or renew your subscription if needed. Unfortunately, your subscription will not be canceled after your box ships. Provided that you don't skip any shipments (which would be cheating and quite tricky), you can cancel at any time.

How often or when will I be billed?

Survival Box subscriptions renew automatically every month. Survival Box customers will be billed monthly, with the first month's box billed at the time of purchase. Our billing circle starts on the 1st of every month.

When will I receive my Survival Box?

The shipments of this box will always be on the 18th of every month. However, you will receive your first box within 3-5 business days after you complete your subscription process.

Can I see the contents of the Survival Box to have a reference Before Subscribing?

Our mission is to improve your survival skills and be ready for any emergency situation, offering a variety of innovative survival and preparedness products, as well as supporting you with tools, techniques, and skills. We will help you achieve a high level of self-confidence and awareness of what to do when things go wrong. The content of our boxes varies from month to month, avoiding repeating products to our customers and giving them pleasant surprises! Note that, for security & competitors matters, we can not provide a preview of our boxes since the content in our survival boxes varies from month to month.

How do I cancel my subscription?

  • To cancel your subscription please contact us at and we will assist you.
  • After canceling your subscription, you will continue to receive the boxes you have already paid for. Boxes are invoiced on the 1st of each month

How do I change my credit card information or my shipping address?

At Survival Box, we have made it very easy for you to change your shipping address or update your credit card information. Simply open My Account. In order to change shipping address open Shipping Addresses and select Add new shipping address. Once it's saved you will be able to select the default address. To change payment methods open Payment methods and select Add new payment method. Once it's done you will be able to select the default debit/credit card.

My Discount Code doesn't work. What can I do?

To solve this problem, it is necessary that you contact the technical support team with your code; in any case, we will give you the discount, or we will include an additional gift in the box you bought!

My Survival Box arrived incomplete, or it didn't arrive at all. What do I do?

We have sent your Survival Box, and we hope it arrived ok. If not, please let us know before the 14th day after the shipping date. We will investigate the matter with our warehouse / USPS courier immediately and then will figure out a solution right away for you! If you purchased an incomplete or missing item, please send us a quick email message so that we can address your needs. No worries. Our US-based customer support team is here to make sure you get what you pay for, and we will take care of everything. We promise. We're so sorry for this inconvenience!

If I buy two boxes, can I receive one at one address and the other at another address?

Yes, indeed, at the time of making your purchase, you can specify the shipping addresses of each product purchased and the recipient who will pick it up! We will be happy to send it within the times stipulated by our company! The shipping terms are binding for both sides, so once we inform you about the delivery of your purchase, it is guaranteed that your gift will be safely delivered to the addresses suggested.

Do You Ship To Any Country In Europe or Asia?

We are shipping domestically within the US only. We hope to deliver internationally soon. We currently only ship within the territory of the United States. This is where we have our warehousing and distribution center for our products. We are working very hard to open shipping to other countries. This is a case of the right timing for all parties concerned, not just Survival Box and our manufacturers.

How to make a payment or add my credit card?

You can make payments for your subscription (or update it) by going to My Account - Payment methods section and clicking on the Add new payment method. Add a credit or debit card by entering Card details and the security code that's printed on your credit or debit card. Then click Add your card.