The 10 Must-Know Steps to Disaster Preparedness
Darya LukyanchukShare
It's a shame that some people live their entire lives without ever thinking about what it would be like if something happened to the central power grid. This article will discuss how to prepare for a disaster by taking some essential steps and being proactive before it's too late.
Steps to Disaster Preparedness
In an emergency, you may need to take steps to survive. Emergencies require the ability to live without society's support. To be prepared for a disaster, you have to plan and be ready with particular items.
Here are 10 Steps To Disaster Preparedness
1) Have a Plan. Figure out what you will do in a disaster in advance. Many disasters include earthquakes, floods, fires, tornados, hurricanes, and terrorist attacks. Make sure you plan for all types of disasters.
Many disaster plans include the following steps:
- Stay put or shelter in place if you can because it is safer than attempting to evacuate into danger.
- Turn on your radio or television for updates.
- Stay in a group because it is safer than being alone.
- Do not return home until authorities say it is safe unless you absolutely must (for example, if your family is together and you have to get supplies like food and medicine).
- Unplug all appliances to prevent electrical shock or injury from unexpected events such as fire, water damage, or flooding.
- Do not use the phone unless necessary except to call for help from a safe place. All cell phones should be fully charged at all times, so you never have an unexpected dead battery at the most critical moment. A car or house cigarette lighter can also be used to charge your cell phone or other mobile devices.
- Lock doors and windows to prevent theft, escape of smoke, or entry from the outside.
- Leave a note telling others when you left and where you are going if you can't contact them.
- Act quickly but with caution as the situation may require different actions than what is typically taken. For example, if doors are hot, use a window instead.
- If you have a disability or special needs, develop an emergency response plan in advance with the help of someone who can assist you. Please make sure all caregivers are aware of your project so they can act when needed.
2) Get an Emergency Kit Ready. The following list is what to include in an emergency preparedness kit, focusing on what is needed for sheltering in place.Â
- Water, one gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, drinking and sanitation
- Food, at least a three-day supply of nonperishable food
- Battery-powered or hand-crank radio and an NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries for both
- Flashlight and extra batteries
- First aid kit. A current list of any prescriptions you take and how to access a refill. Band-aids, alcohol wipes, antibiotic ointment or cream, antiseptic wipes or solution, a pain reliever such as Tylenol or Advil, anti-diarrhea medication, antacid, tweezers, scissors.
- Whistle to signal for help - Dust mask or cotton T-shirt, to help filter contaminated air and plastic sheeting and duct tape to shelter in place
- Moist towelettes, garbage bags, and plastic ties for personal sanitation
- Wrench or pliers to turn off utilities
- Can opener for food (if kit contains canned food)
- Local maps
- Cell phone with chargers, inverter, or solar charger
- Fire extinguisher. Be sure to test it often; make sure they are not expired and that you know how to use them.
3) Plan Ahead. It is also essential to plan because you will need supplies if services are no longer available. FEMA recommends you have the following items on hand:
- Enough food, water, and other supplies to last at least three days
- Battery-powered or hand-crank radio and an NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert and extra batteries for both
- Flashlight and extra batteries
- First aid kit
4) Know Your Risk. Assess what natural or man-made disasters may affect your region (e.g., flood zones), as well as how these events might modify your response plan (e.g., flood zones necessitate different preparation than flood plains).Â
5) Know Your Resources. Prepare your home to provide necessities (e.g., food, water, warmth, light) during emergencies and develop alternate means of supplying essentials if services are cut off (e.g., keep at least a three-day supply of water; fill up the bathtub with water in case service is disruptedÂ
6) Get Organized. Put together an emergency kit including basic supplies like nonperishable food, water, a battery-powered radio, and extra batteries. Also, have a plan to contact family members after a disaster.
7) Stockpile Supplies. Get enough nonperishable food and water for each person in your household to last three days. You can also build an additional stockpile of supplies with long-shelf-life items like canned goods (e.g., beans, tuna, peanut butter), dried foods (e.g., rice, pasta, cereal), and other staples (e.g., salt, sugar). Gather tools like duct tape to aid in preventing damage, a wrench or pliers to turn off utilities, and a broom or rake to clean up debris.
8) Have Flashlights and Batteries Handy. Make sure to have flashlights with extra batteries, as well as a radio that is battery operated. Even if the power goes out, you can still get weather updates from your radio.
- You'll want to use the flashlights only when needed, as they will be your primary source of light until you can get supplies.
- Your flashlight should be sturdy and bright enough to guide the way for you and your family at night time.
- Also, have a crank or battery-operated radio so that you can hear updates from
9) Get Cash. Keep $20 in cash with you at all times, and keep the change in your car (e.g., for gas stations). Also, keep an emergency credit card and cash on hand if an evacuation is ordered.
10) Encourage Others. Tell family members and friends where your emergency kit is located, have an evacuation plan, and know the risks your home or workplace may face.
11) Make Plans to Stay With Family. If you live in a flood plain, wildfire area, or another high-risk zone, consider having a secondary location to stay with family members and pets.
12) Keep Documents Safe. Put together an emergency binder with documents like your insurance information, bank records, birth certificate, and other essential papers; store it in a safe place away from where you live (e.g., in a fireproof file).
- Keep copies of essential documents scanned and stored on a thumb drive.
- Make copies of your passport and driver's license and make sure to store them in a safe place other than your wallet or purse (remembering to update them as needed).
13) Create an evacuation plan for pets, children, and personal items if you live in an area that might be evacuated due to a hurricane or similar natural disaster like flooding, earthquake, tsunami, etc. Know which out-of-state friends or relatives you can stay with if you need to evacuate; gather up supplies now such as infant formula, diapers, an extra medication that you use for yourself or those in your care, snacks, water, etc., so you can hit the road when needed.
Prepare a survival kit that includes food, water, batteries for flashlights, a first aid kit, cash, etc. You can buy premade kits or make your own. Put the items in containers that are easy to transport and carry if you have to evacuate.
14) Learn about a family emergency communications plan in case you get separated during an emergency. Check-in with each other often to let everyone know that you are all safe and sound, especially if there is a natural disaster in your area. Make sure to have your child's school phone number handy if they are unable to reach you, and be sure to update them when they can return home or if you have relocated.Â
Create a family emergency plan with your partner and children to communicate and, if necessary, coordinate the meeting point for the entire family. Ensure every member of the family is aware of this plan.
Prepare an emergency binder with significant contact numbers for all immediate family members, employers, and doctors.
15) If your house is dependent on electricity.
- Install surge protectors for all of the major electrical appliances in your home (refrigerators, televisions, computers, etc.).
- If your home is equipped with a backup generator, make sure to test it now and then to ensure it works properly. Do not overload the circuit breakers or fuses that handle power for the generator; otherwise, you risk blowing out the system.
Steps to disaster preparedness
I think the steps to disaster preparedness are the first thing the US government should teach the people. It's the most critical step. And the efforts to disaster readiness are:
1) Know the dangers you might face during a disaster and the risks for natural disasters in your area.
2) Plan your course of action for this situation and prepare a "go bag" of necessities such as medical supplies, clothing, and food to last up to 72 hours.
3) Be informed on responding to emergencies, whether it's an earthquake or poisonous fumes from a chemical spill. Know the warning signs and what action to take, and where you can find more information on the topic.
4) Have antiviral medicine on hand to protect the people in the family who are more vulnerable to the effects of the disaster, such as the elderly or young children.
5) If you live in an area that's likely to be affected by floods, storms, tornadoes, wildfires, etc., it would be best to transfer away from the area before the disaster strikes.
6) If the risk of the disaster is too significant, the smartest thing to do might be to leave the area where the disaster is expected to hit altogether.
7) Don't rely on the government for assistance during a disaster because they are overwhelmed themselves. Help others if you can and donate money or supplies to relief efforts.
8) Keep calm and stay informed throughout the disaster and the relief efforts and do the right thing for the people around you.
9) Be prepared to help the others who might need your assistance the most, including the ones in crisis.
10) Never forget about the people affected by the disaster after the Emergency is over. Help them get back on their feet again by donating an actual amount of money to the relief efforts.
Other factors to consider
1. Examine both internal and external risks.
Before examining how to avoid disasters, you must first identify the risks of your business. This way, you can ensure that they are mitigated or eliminated before ever occurring in the first place. Your enterprise's activities should be assessed on an ongoing basis, both internally and externally. Preparing for disaster is not easy. It requires careful consideration of the potential risks in your area and an understanding that you may need to survive on your own without help from law enforcement or public services.Â
However, it's important to remember that preparation can save lives when a natural disaster strikes. By following these ten steps before disaster hits, you will be more prepared than most people who are caught off guard by sudden emergencies.
1) Create an emergency backup plan
2) Prepare Home For Disaster
3) Stock On Supplies And Equipment
4) Practice With Contact InformationÂ
5) Stay Informed About Potential Disasters That May Impact You
6) Explore The Area That You And Your Family Live InÂ
7) Talk To The Kids About Disasters
8) Get Assistance From GovernmentÂ
9) Find Other Like-Minded Individuals And Groups
10) Remember: Don't Panic!