Survivalbox Blog


Debunked 9 Common Natural Disaster Myths

Darya Lukyanchuk

Read this article to find out what myths exist about natural disasters and how these myths can affect your existence. Are you living a lie? Find out here!

Debunked 9 Common Natural Disaster Myths

Darya Lukyanchuk

Read this article to find out what myths exist about natural disasters and how these myths can affect your existence. Are you living a lie? Find out here!


Emergency Preparedness For Elders 2022

Darya Lukyanchuk

When we think of emergency preparedness, most people think about the things they need to be ready for a natural disaster or other types of situations that can cause widespread...

Emergency Preparedness For Elders 2022

Darya Lukyanchuk

When we think of emergency preparedness, most people think about the things they need to be ready for a natural disaster or other types of situations that can cause widespread...


Survivor Supplies: Needed for a Survival Kit

Darya Lukyanchuk

The  question  always  seems  to  be,  what  does  one  need  for  a  survival scenario? For preparedness, here are the essential survivor supplies to be in your kit.

Survivor Supplies: Needed for a Survival Kit

Darya Lukyanchuk

The  question  always  seems  to  be,  what  does  one  need  for  a  survival scenario? For preparedness, here are the essential survivor supplies to be in your kit.


The Best 11 Amazing Beaches for Camping in the ...

Darya Lukyanchuk

The Best Camping Beaches in the US and How to Prepare for Beach Camping in Extreme Conditions

The Best 11 Amazing Beaches for Camping in the ...

Darya Lukyanchuk

The Best Camping Beaches in the US and How to Prepare for Beach Camping in Extreme Conditions


Discover 12 Survival Skills To Help You Stay Al...

Darya Lukyanchuk

The world has inconveniences beyond our control,  in the sense that when disasters strike, we have no choice than evacuating in an emergency for survival.

Discover 12 Survival Skills To Help You Stay Al...

Darya Lukyanchuk

The world has inconveniences beyond our control,  in the sense that when disasters strike, we have no choice than evacuating in an emergency for survival.


9 Life Saving Driving Tips For Outdoor Adventur...

Darya Lukyanchuk

This holiday season, make sure you and your family are safe on the road. Use these driving tips to ensure a happy and healthy holiday!

9 Life Saving Driving Tips For Outdoor Adventur...

Darya Lukyanchuk

This holiday season, make sure you and your family are safe on the road. Use these driving tips to ensure a happy and healthy holiday!